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Minggu, 17 November 2013

Strategy produced $ 100 - $300 per day with PTC

Strategy produced $ 100 - $ 300 per day with NeoBux :
At PTC NeoBux referrals that we rent average - average they click on the ad about 1-2 clicks per day or AVG ad was between 2 and 1 , even today PTC NeoBux implement new policies that value click for standard members between $ 0.001 s / d $ 0.01 there are 8 s / d 10 ads per day so the PTC NeoBux we must be diligent to recycle his or her renew .
If you do not already have an account please NEOBUX : CLICK HERE

Anada fermented before running an online business on the internet anada some one must have an online account or we are familiar with e - Curency ( e -currency electronic ) in the request by each tersebu website .
The use of accounts created to save the results of ananda or pull your money to a local bank in Indonesia of business you are doing .
Here's a list of some sites online accounts :
   1. Online account: OKPAY

   2. Online account Perfect Money 

   3. Online account : EGOPAY

   4. Online account : NETTELER

   5. Online account : PAYPAL

   6. Online account :VirtaPay

  • You may be invited to participate in the beta test of our upcomingdebit card system, once we have reached our growth targets.
  • You can earn money to yourexisting bank account by sharing VirtaPay or by selling high-quality digital goods using VirtaPay.
and that is you open an account instantly get $ 100 in your balance , if there are friends or relatives passing reference you got an extra $ 25 balance , and you often open your own account- daily balances earn an additional $ 20
The following are the terms - terms that are important in general - our site PTC sites ( Paid To Clik )

 referral to manage your rental :
Rental Balance = Balance is you to manage your referral is to rent referrals , changing referral and Upgrade your membership , the average price of $ 0.25 per - referral depending on PTC sites that followed .
Recycle = where we have to manage the referral after referral , the referral is used to replace the lazy to work , thus reducing our revenue , the price set on each of the different PTC sites , usually around $ 0.07 - $ 0.08 per - referral .
Renew referral = referral to extend the lease for 30 days , 60 days , 90 days and 180 days , the price for 1 referral referral extension is 30h = 0.25,90 $ h = $ 0.60 , its price depends PTC followed .
Mainbalance = is the balance of your savings from the clicks on your ad , or the balance of the money in Mainbalance you can drag / cashout to your online bank account and can also be used for the rental referral .
Rented = is the menu where you see the performance of referrals that have been hired
Direct referral = referral directly that you get from your downline Link .
AVG = the average number of clicks referral for 10 days
Here is a strategy that must be lived to be successful in online business following the PTC NeoBux :
Strategy use capital :
Fill your PayPal account balance of $ 500 or approximately Rp . 4450.000 , - if the purchase value of the dollar by Rp.8900 , - to fill in your PayPal account balance should buy it through the website Buy / Sell PayPal balance are reliable .
Upgrade your membership from standard members become a member Golden at a price of $ 90 for 1 year , if you upgrade your membership to Golden you will be given a commission and advertising per day more than you become a member of the standard , for standard members present at PTC NeoBux changing values ​​of ad clicks ranged between $ 0.001 s / d $ 0.01 there are 8 ads to 10 ads per day , for a member of Standard and referral value $ 0.005 , for a member of the golden 10 ads per day value of $ 0.01 per click advertising and the value of $ 0.01 per click refferral .
If you click on yourself to members if the standard is 10 ad perharinnya 10x $ 0.01 = $ 0.1 , that if you work alone without refferral , for that you have to buy 1600 referrals and upgrade your membership to Golden , to rent referrals in PTC with NeoBux how to transfer your funds from your PayPal account balance to balance rental balance , balance of rental balance after you click the link rent.referral charged with selecting many referrals continue to be hired and the length of the lease , choose a lease period of 30 days at a price of $ 0.25 per refferral 1600x $ 0.25 = $ 400 , so the price of rent 1600 referrals you $ 400 .
Think of it as your referral members of all standards , from 8 and 10 ads per day only 2 clicks or average ad your referrals click on PTC sites NEOBUX usually for his AVG is AVG even its = 2 1 ( = is the average number of clicks per - referral 2 ads and 1 ad per day ) because not all referrals you rent clicking all the ads every day , so the calculation for 30 days for the results of your referral is 1600x2x $ 0.01 × 30 = $ 960 plus the results of your own clicks $ 0001 × 10 iklanx30 = $ 0.3 so your results for a month is $ 960 + $ 0.3 = $ 960.3 , this result is only one month , to further extend your rental referral for 90 days with discount prices , per - referral $ 0.60 , so the cost of recycle / extend referral for 90hari is 1600x $ 0.60 = $ 960 , meaning for the first month you do not get the advantage of being the result to extend the referral for 90 days , but for the next month you got income per - month for $ 960 and even more , if $ 1 it dirupiahkan according to market prices Rp.9800 current dollar means your income for 1 month is $ 960xRp.9800 = Rp.9408.000 , - even more , it's only for 3 months. Should be remembered for the withdrawal of monthly income not more than 50 % of the proceeds Mainbalance / main balance your advantage , as an example if income / play balance your monthly $ 960 so you cashout / harvesting profits from mainbalance should not be more than $ 480 , because the rest disaving to memperpenjang again after the expiration of the lease referral for 90 days , because up here has not been completed , Mean residual profits after you withdraw your earnings during the 3 months of about $ 480, so the rest of the benefits for 90 days is $ 480 x 3 = $ 1,440 .
To further recommended after due rent referrals for 90 days runs out , do additional referrals by way of transfer from your account directly to proceed with the balance of the rental balance rent your referrals referrals from 1600 to 2000 before referral , recommended for long term again extended rent.referral for 150 days , extend the lease price for 150 days referral you get the per - referral discount of $ 0.938 , do continue to rent referrals and remember to rent.referral / rent referrals should be taken into account in the balance of your rental balance to manage your referral , continue renew your referral up to 250 days , to extend the rent . referrals for 250 days to get the discount , the price per - referral for $ 1.40 , Once you reach 2000 rent.referral for 250 days , and the balance on your mainbalance more than enough to become the Ultimate Upgrade your membership to earn unlimited income from PTC NeoBux .
If you do not already have an account please NEOBUX : CLICK HERE

Strategy without capital :
For Members standard in PTC NeoBux get 8-10 ads per day $ 0001 up to $ 0.01 per click advertising and $ 0.005 per click advertising for referral , if there are 10 ads per day usually 2 ads worth $ 0.01 lebihnya $ 0001 so for 10 ads range from $ 0008 + $ 0.02 = $ 0028 , for 72 days ( 72 x $ 0.028 = $ 2,016 ) . After having $ 2 in the main balance transfer balance to your rental balance to rent referrals . As soon as your referral rent 3 referrals with harga3x $ 0.25 = $ 0.75 , the balance remaining in your rental balance to manage your referrals renew ( = replace and recycle referral = referral to extend the lease ) .
Once you click on the referral rental rented referrals in your NeoBux account and you are directed to a page to manage rental referrals , setting " Auto Pays " to Enable Mode tempo so that when the time your referral rental less than 10 days are paid from retained outomatis your rental balance . Renew or replace AVG referral which is less than 2 , the price renew referral in PTC average of $ 0.075 - $ 0.08 / referral , use about 30 % of the balance of your rental balance for me Renew and Recycle referrals . Remember choose your referral to a very bad performance in the Renew / replaced and a very good performance or an average of 2 or more referral clicks / 2 + AVG for Recycle / extended lease period , every 2 days once you survey your referrals referral to see performance your referral management Anda.Lakukan continue like this .
One moment you play the balance reaches $ 1 transfer the balance to rental balance again , when you reach a few cents per day is very important to make enough money in your Rental Balance to manage your referrals , because you can only transfer in multiples of $ 1 . When you complete this transfer and have at least $ 2.50 in rental balance rent another 3 referrals to another , constantly continue this process until you make $ 1 per day in the main balance , at this point you can continue to rent more referrals every 7 days . Never rent a number of referrals that is greater than 30 % of the total referrals you as this will make it difficult to manage renew and recycle referral you because you do not enough money to do so .
Continue to manage the referral process continues as before until you reach 800 referrals . At this point stop rental referral and you simply me your referral maintenence . You samapai accumulated income you can pay $ 90 to Upgrade your membership from standard to Golden .
By the time you become a member of golden , maintain your referrals as before the process . Each week do to rent ref

erral until you reach 2000 referrals . Any balance in your account directly unused for merenew / recycle referral is an advantage for you .
If you do not already have an account please NEOBUX : CLICK HERE